Day 155 – Seville, Spain – Andalusian cuisine: Eating tapas in Seville

   Andalusian cuisine Andalusian cuisine reflects the deep history and turmoil of the region. You can trace the region’s traditional dishes to contributions made by different cultures throughout time. The region was first settled by the Phoenicians around 1100BC who…

La Tasqueria de Javi Estevez – March 2, 2020 (Madrid, Spain)

   Javi Estevez started his restaurant in 2015 and at 35 received his first Michelin star in 2019. What makes his restaurant exceptional is that he did it championing the nose to tail approach he feels represents traditional Spanish cooking…

Day 147 – Viareggio, Italy – Carnival in Viareggio

   When I stepped off the train, I liked Viareggio immediately. A charming seaside Italian city that reminded me of New Orleans for some reason. Not exactly in the architecture or the language, it was a feeling, the city’s soul….

Day 140 – Florence (Firenze), Italy – Tuscan food and the Italian Renaissance

   I didn’t really warm up to Florence immediately. And like any place I have high expectations of, I started off a bit disappointed. The dense narrow streets with tiny sidewalks flanked by enormous uninviting doors. It’s the kind of…

Day 139 – Verona, Italy

   Verona wasn’t on our itinerary but I’ve always been curious about this Italian city so we booked an overnight to check it out on the way to Florence. Charmingly cheesy, stunningly beautiful, laid back and lazy. Verona is exactly…

Day 133 – Venice, Italy – Not gone, not yet. I’m happy I got to know her.

   Leaving Venice I fought my way against the current of endless tourists, swimming through the claustrophobic lanes like mindless fish, occasionally gawking at shop windows choking the flow helplessly into clogged flotsam like chunks of yellow fat in a…

Venice, 2am, my first night in the city

   Venice, 2am, my first night in the city. My first night in Venice I was exhausted. Our flight had been cancelled the night before and we had been stranded in Dusseldorf. A long and tiring travel day, it was…

Day 127 – Odense, Denmark

   After our culinary adventure in Copenhagen, we visited a good friend of Katy’s that she met hiking the Pacific Crest Trail who lives in a the neighboring town of Odense (oðˀn̩sə sounds something like ‘O-then-se’). She loaned us her…

Day 123 – Copenhagen, Denmark

   This was my first time in Scandinavia and I came away with a good time and a desire to return. Copenhagen was modern, environmentally conscious, traditional but open to new ideas, grounded but not stodgy. We stayed in the…

NOMA – February 4, 2020 (Copenhagen, Denmark)

   NOMA was awarded the Best Restaurant in the World 2010-2012 and 2014 (currently #2 in 2019), two Michelin stars, and its chef and creator Rene Redzepi almost single handedly has changed the face of Nordic cuisine and started the…