I have long had a fascination with this German city. Kölsch is my favorite beer and I have a deep fondness for German style pub food, especially the kinds you can find in Köln. Truth be told I came…
Day 107 – Spotlight: the Canta LX (and other tiny cars of Amsterdam)
I love tiny cars. A fact that becomes painfully obvious if you’re ever tried to walk past one with me without me taking a picture. It’s not an obsession, more like a deep lust that mostly presents itself when…
Day 107 – Amsterdam, the Netherlands – You sexy minx.
Amsterdam is a lot like Burning Man if everyone decided to put their clothes on. Everyone rides around on bikes or funny little “cars”, the smell of weed and booze is in the air, and there’s a general collective…
Bitterballen, hotchpotch stampot, jenever, and haring. Hunting down traditional Dutch food in Amsterdam.
Honestly, when it comes to northern European food, I hadn’t heard good things. But I have to say I fell in love with traditional Dutch food. Tasty bar snacks, hearty home-style meals with long simmered meats, a variety of cured…
Walking every goddamn inch of Amsterdam’s Old Centre, the canal rings, and the Jordaan.
I know the trope. Go to Amsterdam, get baked, sleep with a Ukranian prostitute. It’s so pervasive that that’s all that anyone seems to think about Amsterdam. Just the mention and you get the squinty nod of wishful collusion….