Day 292 – Yellowstone National Park

  [Mile 1,348 to 1,820]    It’s hard to visit a place so majestic as Yellowstone without reflecting on the boundless cruelty and hubris imported to this country. In 1800 there were over 60 million bison that once roamed from…

Day 288 to 291 – Driving from Glacier to Yellowstone

  [Mile 980 to 1,348]    Canola fields in Montana. As we set out across Montana the canola fields were spectacularly in bloom. The brightest 50’s kitchen yellow tucked under a fluffy cloud sky with mountains all around in the…

Day 285 – Glacier National Park

  [Mile 630 to 980]    When I was young I took a road trip around the country with a friend, living in his Honda Prelude, we’d open our paper atlas each day, look for a place that sounded cool,…

Day 283 – Driving from Spokane to Glacier National Park

  [Mile 335 to 630]    We started the day in Spokane from our campground. I made a quick detour to grab a photo of the giant milk-jug shaped building in town then we drove all the way through Idaho…

Day 282 – Spokane, WA – Driving across Washington State

  [Mile 130 to 335]    Washington is a very unusual state. Along the western coast the weather is extremely wet and mild. The high mountains trap the moisture and creates a special climate that’s rarely too warm or too…

Day 281 – North Bend, WA – Twin Peaks!

  [Mile zero to 130]    This is it! We officially left the nest and started on our US road trip (after a bit of rethinking due to COVID shutting down the world). We wanted something light for our first…

Day 275 – Our new pirate ship – The 2000 Rialta 22HD. Ready to go!

  We finally have a little home again. A little pirate ship to sail out into the world in a socially distant kind of a way. It’s been a difficult process to figure out what we wanted to do next…

Day 166-244 – the COVID Interlude – Escaping a pandemic and finding our bearings.

   After years of saving and planning, months of giving away all of our things, our cars and furniture, and thinking through all of the problems we might face, it honestly never occurred to me that we would be thrust…

Day 161 – Granada, Spain – The last stronghold of Moorish Europe

   Granada sits in the south of Spain at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains at the confluence of the Darro, the Genil, the Monachil and the Beiro rivers. It was the last Moorish stronghold to fall to Ferdinand…

Day 155 – Seville, Spain – The orange blossom dream I wished would never end.

   Thin winding streets lined with orange trees, the smell of orange blossoms surrounding you, ancient tile-work facades on brightly painted buildings in ochre and curry and mustard. The sheer ornateness of the city suggests a history much larger than…