Day 0 trip

Day 45 – Korĉula, Croatia (off season) – The tiny island fortress city.

Quick travel tips
Plug type: Type C, F, 220v, 50hz. Standard european plugs (two round posts). Fine for USB chargers and most electronics that support 100-240v natively.

Water: Safe to drink

Tipping: Tipping is a mixed bag. Generally 10% at restaurants is appreciated but not mandatory and for good service leave up to 15%. Leave nothing for bad service. Round up for taxis and cafes but it’s not expected.

Visa: The country is currently in the EU but not a part of the shared schengen zone (luckily for us). They have their own 90 day visa over a trailing 180 period or US passports like the schengen zone but doesn’t affect the other.

Essential phrases:
Korĉula (kor-chu-la) – Hear it here.
Cheers! – Živjeli (ji vo li)
Yes – Da
No – Ne
Hello/bye – Bok (bohk)
Good afternoon – Dobar dan. (DOH-bahr dahn) [This seems much more common of a greeting.] Goodbye – Dovidenja (doh-vee-JEH-nyah)
Please – Molim (MOH-leem)
Thank you – Hvala (HVAH-lah)
Thank you very much – Hvala lijepa. (HVAh-lah LYEH-pah)
You’re welcome – Izvoli (informal) Izvolite (formal)
Excuse me (getting attention) – Oprosti (informal) Oprostite (formal)
Excuse me (begging pardon) – Pardon. (par-DON)
I’m sorry – Žao mi je. (zhow mee yeh)
Bathroom/WC –
Where is the bathroom? – Oprostite, gdje je WC?
Beer – Pivo (PEE-vah)
Wine – Crnog (red)/bijelog (white) vino
The check – Račun (RAH-choon)
One – jedan (YEH-dahn)
Two – dva (dvah)
Three – tri (tree)
Four – četiri (CHEH-tee-ree)
Five – pet (peht)
Ten – deset (DEH-seht)
Twelve – dvanaest (DVAH-nah-ehst)

Korĉula was a charming little hideaway, frozen in time, and relatively unscathed by the wars of the last century that destroyed so many other Croatian coastal towns. Surrounded by mountains and sea it feels like you’re in a different world at a different time. I wish we had come a month earlier to experience the beaches and been able to scooter around the island without the rain but we were still dazzled and probably more relaxed.

Traveling to the islands in the off season certainly has some challenges. The normal catamarans mostly stop running which makes timing the few that remain difficult. And since most townies don’t want to pay for parking in old towns most of the food options are closed. And by most I mean like all but one or two. Unless you like eating the same pizza for every meal you’re probably going to be cooking for yourself a bit. Which is fine by me, it saves some money. But a workable kitchen is helpful.

But there are some advantages, mainly no crowds to fight. Often you’re the only tourists in town. So all the people you meet really are local. And the things going on aren’t fake. We’ve run across two weddings in a week or so. I’m starting to think they’re timed to miss the tourist hoards. And it’s fun to watch, if at a distance. Weddings here are a pretty exciting thing. Local traditional bands with harmonizing singers, waving flags, public dancing, drinking, a real street party.

We could hear the singing from our apartment so we raced down to see what was going on and came back after the ceremony to mill around the party in the square. The music is fantastic. It’s kind of like Mexican mariachi music, but different. Deep harmonizing male vocals, guitars and an accordion. I tried to minimize the gawking tourist factor by not snapping a bunch of pics but I got a couple stealth pics while pretending to use my phone.




Old town

Old town is pretty cool. It’s a small peninsula entirely covered by a walled medieval city complete with menacing towers. Originally the small city had 12 towers and a 60 foot wall all the way around. These days it’s down to like 3-4 with most of the tall wall taken down. But it’s still beautiful. The entire space packed with tall stone buildings where people actually live, a square at the top of the hill and a variety of beautiful community buildings, churches, and your normal medieval structures. You can walk the entire town in about a half hour. Pretty hard to get lost here. But it’s very charming.




I wonder if this is the old town shame pillar, hitch now filled with love locks?
















Leaving old town

You exit old town down an impressive grand stairway. Most of the shops here are tourist oriented and closed for the season, save two townie restaurants that we enjoyed quite a bit and a little grocery store. The walk between here and the bus station is a maze of interesting bars and shops, almost entirely closed, leading to the main road up the hill which at the top sits a large Tommy “Hipermarket” which is somewhere between a super Walmart and a mall. Its a bit of a hike up the hill but has a good view. In addition to the large grocery store there’s an open restaurant, shoe store, furniture store, clothes store, pharmacy and other shops in a three story building. Katy was very excited to see a hipermarket.


On either side of old town the city spreads out along the coastal road in similar white stone buildings.


The stairs out of Old Town.





The road up to the Tommy Hipermarket






Caffe Bar Step

Step is a great little townie coffee shop and pizza joint right over the market at the entrance to old town usually with a mix of locals of all ages. Pretty affordable place. I had a good sized pizza for our first meal in town for about 60kn. We later had lunch here too and I got a “pizza sandwich” which turned out to be a huge 18″ calzone for 28kn (~$4). Plus they have a full bar, draught beer, espresso, and good wifi.


That’s a runny egg and sour cream on top.

Konoba Śkver

We might not have found this place if our host had not pointed it out to us on a map. It’s only about 50 feet from Step near the old town entrance but it’s hidden in the middle of a cluster of buildings down a tight alley. This place felt entirely local. The menu was in Croatian-only and our thick moustached server struggled through to explain each dish in broken English. Very simple. Mixed meat (a common plate of beef, chicken, and sausage with fries), a risotta, a hand rolled pasta, octopus, a steak, and the daily special, which that day was roasted pork with a warm bean and onion salad for 40kn or about $6 (yes please!). Nothing pretentious about this place. We loved it!



Roast pork with bean and onion salad.




Local hooch

I finally got my hands on a small bottle of kruškovac. It’s a sweet pear brandy. Tasty!


I also picked up a bottle of plavac a local wine from Hvar. We had this on Hvar island and really liked it. Full bodied with an earthy bottom but sweet and fruity.


Emulsified sausage (part 4)

Part 4 in my continuing series on delicious emulsified sausage products in Croatia: mystery tube meat. Ok, ok, I honestly hesitated in including this little experiment because I don’t think most people will fall in love with this product but it’s interesting to me so, I’ll make you suffer through as well.

In every Croatian supermarket, separate from the variety of sausages, you’ll find a section of brightly packaged plastic tubes, kind of what you might expect breakfast sausage to come in. Big ones, little ones, and none of it I recognize. Being adventuresome I picked one up on a whim assuming it was ready to go for sandwiches. I felt a little more confident with this particular one because it had some English on the packaging and a picture (most do not). And called out chicken and turkey and importantly cooked.

When I opened it up later it was exactly what I expected, a chicken and turkey emulsified sausage, very similar to bologna. I sliced it up with some cheese on a sandwich and it was as delicious as bologna, I know that description varies for some people, but it was really good. I had a second one.


This one says “special”. Doesn’t inspire confidence.


Piko means “dot”. That banner says “with vegetables”.


This one’s definitely turkey but I can’t get that main word to translate. It also says “steamed sausage”.


I chose the Wudy Pop! for obvious reasons for my first attempt.


What you would expect.


I like cold bologna but I thought fried might look more appetizing.


And there you go, a perfectly serviceable sandwich. Truth be told I had a cold one too.

Our apartment stairs

I also wanted to share what the stairs from our apartment to our sleeping loft looked like. This thing descends a little over 15 feet in the distance of 3-4 feet. It’s basically a ladder. Pretty treacherous for middle of the night groggy bathroom runs.



View from our apartment.


View from our apartment balcony.
Those are Katy’s clothes drying!

Daniel Callicoat

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Where am I now?

Eugene, OR

(We’ve reached the end of our trip.  Time to settle down for a bit and recharge our batteries and our bank accounts.  It’s been a good run.  Eugene had the right kind of vibe we were looking for.  Good people.  A good size.  Affordable.  We’re going to give it a go here.  But we’re open to what comes.)


Next up:

Nowhere for the moment

(For the first time in three years we don’t have the next adventure planned out.  That’s going to be a strange reality to adjust to.)