While I was in Barcelona, I was drawn to the street art there. Seattle also has a high level of street art and I recognized some local sticker artist’s work. But I was specifically drawn to an artist C125 (aka Christian Guemy) that I later discovered is based out of Paris. I was unfamiliar with his work but it clearly stood out even against the high level of work in the pedestrian alleyways of Barcelon’s Gothic Quarter. The graphic nature of his portraits and use of color seemed unique and just got better with the overlaying tags and accumulative layers.
C125 (Christian Guemy) has been working since 1991 but has been doing his intricate stencil pieces since 2006. I first discovered him in Barcelona but his work can also be found in Amsterdam, London, Rome, Paris, Oslo, Colombo, various cities in Morocco, among others.
Other street art in Barcelona
While on my trip to Spain I also stopped by Porto, Portugal where I discovered another street artist that I liked, Hazul Luzah. I ran into his work all over the back streets and winding pedestrian paths of Porto. Here’s an interview I found.
[…] while I’m here. Last visit I was fascinated by the artist C215 (aka Christian Guémy) that I dedicated a blog post to. Much of his work was gone but I started collecting two artist: Konair, and this great bunny artist […]